Homework 5

The due date for this homework is Friday, March 29, 11pm EDT.

Part A: The Game of Nim

Nim is a mathematical game of strategy in which two players take turns removing (or “nimming”) objects from a set of piles. Variants of Nim have been played since ancient times, with the game likely originating in China.

At the 1940 New York World’s Fair Westinghouse displayed a machine, the Nimatron, that played Nim. From May 11, 1940, to October 27, 1940, only a few people were able to beat the machine in that six-week period; if they did, they were presented with a coin that said Nim Champ. It was also one of the first-ever electronic computerized games. (Wikipedia)

Fig. 1: A woman playing against the Nimatron at the World’s Fair

For this week’s homework, we’re going to create a simplified variant of Nim where there is only one pile of objects. The goals for this homework are to get you thinking about building more complex programs from smaller functions.

Game Rules

The rules for our simple version of Nim are as follows:

  1. The game Nim starts out with a random number of stones on the table between 7 and 15 (inclusive).
  2. Each player takes turns picking up 1, 2 or 3 stones.
  3. Whoever is forced to pick up the last stone loses. In other words, the player that leaves 1 stones left for their opponent wins.

In this implementation, the (human) player will play against the computer. They should alternate turns, starting with the computer.

Some requirements:

  1. The player’s input should be validated (i.e., checked to see if it is a valid input). A valid input is a number. It is usually 1, 2, or 3, unless that number would leave less than 1 stone behind. (A user can’t say they will take 3 stones away from a pile with only 3 stones left).
  2. The computer’s input should be randomly chosen between 1 and 3 (inclusive), but with the same restrictions (the number chosen must leave at least 1 stone behind).

Writing docstrings for functions

Docstrings allow us to write documentation for our functions. Documentation is important because it gives a high-level description of our code and its design. In hw5_basic.py, we have provided you with the docstrings for the main and computer_turn functions. For this homework, you are required to write docstrings for all the functions that you are going to implement. Note a few requirements when writing docstrings:

Run hw5_basic.py, which runs help(computer_turn). The help function is a built-in function that takes in the name of a function and returns the documentation (docstring) for that function. In this case, the output you should see in the terminal is the dosctring for the computer_turn function that we have provided you with. Comment out this line and proceed to implementing the code for the utility functions. When you are done writing the docstrings for all your functions, you may test that they are correctly implemented by using the help function.

Helper (Utility) Functions

To build this game, we’ll be making use of a series of helper functions (described below). All these functions must be implemented in hw5_basic.py. For each function, you must include a correctly formatted docstring.

print_header(stones_in_pile: int, turn: int) -> None prints a header for each turn. One line of the header indicates the turn number (i.e., Turn 1, Turn 2, etc.). Another line draws the number of stones (O) in the pile. For example a pile of seven stones should be printed as: OOOOOOO

single_game() -> None executes an entire single game of Nim. This should call the other functions.

player_turn(stones_in_pile: int) -> int asks the user for the number of stones they would like to remove and checks to see if that input is valid (see restrictions above). If the input is invalid, it should keep asking until a valid input is provided. This function returns the valid user input.

computer_turn(stones_in_pile: int) -> int chooses a random number of stones to remove, given restrictions (see above).

Example Output

-- Turn 1 --

Computer removes 3

-- Turn 2 --

How many stones would you like to remove? 4
Invalid input
How many stones would you like to remove? 3
Player removes 3

-- Turn 3 --

Computer removes 1

-- Turn 4 --

How many stones would you like to remove? 3
Player removes 3

-- Turn 5 --

Computer removes 2

Game Over!
Computer wins

Part B: Testing Validation

Validating user input is an important part of this game. In a comment under the player_turn() function, give some examples of bad user input that you could use to test whether the validation works as expected. Describe why those would be good test cases.

Part C: Advanced Computer

As of now, our computer’s strategy is pretty basic (it’s completely random). To illustrate: If there were 4 stones remaining, a (smart) human player would obviously choose to take 3 so they would win, but our computer might choose randomly choose 1 or 2 instead.

Write a new, improved version of computer_turn() called smart_computer_turn() that will always win if there are 4 or fewer stones remaining in hw5_advanced.py. In hw5_advanced.py also implement another version of single_game that calls smart_computer_turn() instead of computer_turn(). For the other helper functions (print_header and player_turn), you can either import or copy over the functions in the hw5_basic module.


Your assignment will be graded on the following criteria:

  1. [60%] Part A: Be sure to run your code before submitting to check the accuracy of it.
  2. [10%] Part B
  3. [15%] Part C:
  4. [15%] Program Design and Style: